Cool Creative Construction Toys
for kids of all ages & abilities.

What People Are saying
I am a mother of two children, Tyler (4 years old) and Emma (2 years old). Tyler has been diagnosed with Level 2 Autism, Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) and Sensory processing disorder. Since being recommended KICKBRICKS by Tyler's Occupational Therapist for his sensory room, we have seen fantastic progress in his development and ability to regulate his emotions. When Tyler becomes desregulated he needs to get those big emotions out safely and thats why i couldn't be more happier with the KICKBRICKS. Because they are soft and lightweight, Tyler can throw the bricks up in the air and around the space without hurting himself or damaging the walls or furniture. We also love building tall towers together as a family and have fun crashing into them and watching the KICKBRICKS tumble to the ground.
KICKBrick's... all you need is your imagination I first purchased KICKBrick's for Massimo's at home soccer training. We quickly saw the endless possibilities. My son has complex special needs, diagnosed at 9 months with Microcephaly and soon after with Autism Spectrum Disorder, I was told he would never walk! 5 years on and yes!! Massimo can walk! However he struggles daily with his co-ordination and hypertonia of the leg muscles. We have incorporated KICKBrick's into his physiotherapy routine. Building, jumping, carrying, throwing, balancing there is nothing a KICKBrick cant do!! Massimo has low tone muscles in his hands which make motor skills difficult, KICKBrick's are light, durable and easy for him to handle. And when you're done you can throw them in the bath with the kids! Yep they float! His 3 sisters have even used them for school projects!! So whether it's for fitness, fun or reaching developmental milestones, I highly recommend KICKBrick's. Hours of fun for the whole family and a brilliant product for special needs kids.
Lize Roos
Building Blocks Therapy
As an Occupational Therapist we love and highly recommend Kick Bricks. It is one of those must have toys in any households. I love that they are versatile and dynamic. You can literally use them in almost every game to target any skills. Highly recommend this product. We will be doing a blog on the kick bricks in the near future which I would be more than happy to share.
Beck & Jasper
We first came across Kickbricks when Jasper was using them at his Physiotherapy clinic. One of the fun activities they do is have Jasper on the swing and get him to knock towers down. They were a great motivator to encourage him to do tummy time and look up when in prone position - something that he has had a lot of trouble doing due to his low muscle tone, hypermobility and limited strength. Jasper has a rare chromosome syndrome that affects his development in many ways, so finding things to get him motivated to use his body is always a drawing card for us. Nick sent us some for us to continue to use at home to support Jasper and his mobility and they have been a great success. Jasper loves to knock things over, and enjoys throwing things too so the we have had fun getting creative in how we set up the blocks inside and out to motivate him to move and use his body. Whether he is on the swing outside pushing them over, in his wheelchair crashing through the towers or his latest trick - scooting on his bottom towards the towers, Jasper has loved using these awesome blocks. We don't have to worry about him getting hurt as they are really lightweight too. His siblings also get involved in helping Jasper with setting up spaces for him to play! These have been a great addition to his therapy and we are really grateful for these awesome bricks!!
Lisa Cheal
PLay therapist
Its actually fundamental that all play therapists have some form of aggressive/active toys within their therapy rooms. This allows children to express and face their aggression in a safe and supporting environment. We often use eggs cartons or BOA, Bop bags for eg. However I really love the option for children to build a wall and break it down. This offers many philosophical ideas for children such as breaking down barriers, feeling trapped by a wall of trauma/violence, walls can be protective/positive and of course they allow children to feel strong/empowered to break something down, to escape and to also to rebuild. These are all AMAZING things that Kick bricks will bring my child clients.
Bryony Crowe
Arc Occupational Therapy
These are one of the most useful tools, I use them to support children to: -ideate and develop a plan and draw it out (then we build) the child using skills such as matching and checking / visual discrimination. -balancing components of obstacle courses, lead and follow play -making large scale letter and practicing letter formations /aiming their body to the start - I also include green start and red stop dots. -rapport building because kids always enjoy this activity and will request it. -proprioceptive input from building and crashing -play skills, turn taking, sharing ideas, using lots of different play scripts etc. When a child in one of my holiday groups has become aggressive and started throwing every object he could see, these were really handy to bring out. Instead of throwing them, he was overwhelmed with the novelty and built a wall that he crashed into and through the process became regulated. Obviously other combined skills like co regulation etc as well. A fun product that is only limited to your imagination.
Fiona Lehmann - Viva Kids Occupational Therapy - Sunshine Coast.
We absolutely love the pure fun, laughter and creativity that the Kick Bricks and planks provide in our Occupational Therapy sessions -as children construct specific tasks or let their imaginations flow. They provide a great balance of active play and problem solving - and are one of our most used resources for sessions with the children we see- from ages 2 - 12yrs. Great for active kids, confident kids, shy kids, anxious kids - and everyone can relate to attaching their “worry words” to the worry wall and then the visual impact of seeing them tumbling down. We learn that it is great to take turns building together as a team or on your own. We learn that it is “ok to knock your own tower down but you can’t knock down someone else’s”. We plan for the unexpected - and decide a plan in advance with our kiddos that if a tower tumbles - it is not the time for crying, or foot stomping so instead we activate our “ Oops Plan” have a bit of a giggle and start building again. When used creatively by our therapists - theses light building blocks are packed full of potential to “support the building blocks and foundational skills” of emotional regulation, confidence and resilience. Too much Fun!!!
I just had to share some pics of my 6yo Connor. He was lucky enough to be given two sets of KICKBricks for Christmas and Wow - he loved them!! Connor has a rare genetic disorder called CDG and is working on his goal of walking as independently as possible. Here he is at therapy smashing down towers in his gait trainer - so motivated and happy!!